July 28, 2023
Dublin, Ireland
Read Matthew 28.19-20 and Acts 1.8
"The world is my parish." John Wesley
Today was simply not John Wesley's day. We toured Dublin before heading to St. Patrick's Cathedral. There we heard stories of people such as Jonathan Swift and St. Patrick. In 1775, John Wesley came and was invited to serve communion at St. Patrick's. He gifted them the communion chalice. The chalice was stolen and never recovered. In the picture are replicas of the chalice and pitcher that would have been used by John Wesley.
We then had lunch at a pub called "The Church." John Wesley came to preach his first Irish sermon here when it was St. Mary's Church in 1747. While no longer a church, the church has been well preserved with stained glass windows, wooden floors and organ as it serves as a place for food and beverage.
In the afternoon we saw the Book of Kells exhibit in Trinity College. The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript and Celtic book containing the four gospels along with other sacred notes and writings. It is believed to have been created on the Island of Iona in Scotland in the 800's. It is absolutely beautiful and fascinating.
We were still able to see the old Trinity library before it closes for restoration. Many of the books are gone from the shelves after the fire at Notre Dame and are being preserved. One of the aspects of the library are the rows of busts of famous people including John and Charles Wesley. They were not there today. Four of the busts have been replaced by new busts representing women. The docents at the Library did not know if the Wesleys were moved to another room or already boxed and stored.
John Wesley and his immediate group of leaders were tireless in their effort to share the gospel and "their method" with the world. Not only have we learned about their travels through England, the United States, Wales and Scotland, we have been privileged to see the mark they made on the country of Ireland.
May we like the Wesleys, early Methodists and Ionian community find our way to witness the good news of Jesus in our lives as we spread it to others.
This is the last daily thought/devotional. Tomorrow, at 4:30a, we head home. We are all looking forward to sharing more stories and learnings with all of you.
Prayer. Dear God, Thank you for the gift of faith. Thank you for the experiences we have that deepen our faith. May we find ways to share our faith, your good news, with others. Amen.