Devotion, April 28, 2020
Scripture:Â Read Matthew 14.13-23
Many of us have settled into a routine of one kind or another during this pandemic. Many have told me they don't understand why they feel tired when much of their lives have been 'taken away.' Psychologists will tell us it is precisely because aspects of our lives have been taken away that we feel tired. I don't know about you, but there are times that I feel this tiredness.
In the beginning of the fourteenth chapter of Matthew, Jesus finds out that his cousin, John the Baptist, has been beheaded by Herod's court. Jesus is weary and tired. He wants to get away for a bit by himself. The crowds, however, follow him in their need. The disciples trying to care for their friend attempts to turn them away. Jesus stops them, blesses and feeds them. He then attempts to get away by himself, to be with God, to pray and to recharge.
These days, what are you doing to recharge? How are you getting away from the news, from the loss of life as you have known it, to be by yourself, to be with God? One of the things I enjoy doing is reading. I am an eclectic reader. Most of the time I read for sermon or class preparation. At other times it is for pure pleasure.Â
During these days, I have made time for reading. It has felt like a great indulgence to read the Sunday New York Times on Sunday, to keep up with devotional reading every day, and excited about a new book by Sue Monk Kidd that was just published. I am also excited that the library has started curbside service. What have you been doing these days that allow you to recharge?
I hope that as you read scripture, you will be reminded that sometimes we need to be by ourselves to be renewed as Jesus went off by himself to be renewed. I pray that you will give yourself permission to do something you like doing and give yourself grace when you wonder why you don't have more energy. It will come back.
Dear God, Thank you for Jesus' life. Thank you for the gospel writers who shared his life that we might have a picture of how to live ours. In these days, remind us that life is different, to care for ourselves, and to take some time to recharge. Amen.