A letter will be sent out Nov. 16 which will include the 2021 pledge card. There will be a self-addressed, stamped envelope to return your card to the church. Our Commitment Sunday will coincide with Thanksgiving Sunday, November 22. On behalf of the Finance Team, thank you for your financial commitment to First United Methodist Church, especially in these difficult times.
Please also note that we will not be ordering church giving envelopes for 2021. Financial gifts to the church can be mailed in a regular envelope or given electronically until we return to in building worship. This decision was made for three reasons. 1) 99% of people mailing checks are placing them in the church giving envelopes and then putting them in another envelope to mail. 2) We do not foresee an opportunity for people to pick up their envelopes and due to health safety concerns envelopes cannot be delivered by Finance Team members 3) Our new data base will be using contributor's names rather than numbers for posting and so the envelope number will be less important.
If you have any questions about your pledge, please contact Todd DeBoer, Finance Chair; Bruce Kappeler in the Finance office or Pastor Susan