Updated 6/3/20
There is a lot of conversation about when and how we will reopen. Currently, we are looking to July as a possible time that we will have worship in the building. Our first rule is to "Do no harm." I do not want to reopen the building too soon for worship and possibly cause harm to our members and members of the community. When we come back there will be changes to the way we do worship so we can gather and be safe.
The Tech Team (subteam of the Vision Team) has been charged with four priorities in this period to prepare us for re-opening and the future.
Live Streaming Worship. We will continue to provide online worship, even when we reopen the building for worship.
Zoom/Google Hangout-Meetings. Meetings and small groups will continue to meet online. Eventually, there will be a combination of in-person and online meetings.
Church Teams. One of the areas we have been clear for years that we have had inadequate capabilities is our database. We will be converting to a new system that will allow for coordinated communication with congregational members and guests, ministry teams, finance, and at homework by staff.
Online Giving. We have set up online giving through our Annual Conference. Online giving can be accessed through our website, www.firstumckenosha.com
The Vision Team is reviewing plans on how to reopen. There is a lot of information for guidelines from our state, denomination, the insurance company, and the annual conference. Pastor Justin will be spearheading the plan and process of re-opening.
Reopening Updates:
We are hard at work making preparations for the time in which we can publically worship again. As we move to that possible time, here are some things for you to know.
Frank and Deb Barrientos are working hard to prepare the sanctuary and common spaces in the church building.
In addition to daycare cleaning, Frank will be focusing on daily office cleaning in preparation for short term office hours. Starting the week of June 22, Helen Dahl and Pastor Susan will be in the office on a regular basis. Helen will have office hours on Mondays and Thursdays from 9-11 am. Pastor Susan will be in the office on Wednesdays from 10 am - 4 pm. I am not encouraging anyone to stop by, but you will be able to call the church office 262-658-3213 to reach us during those times. You are still encouraged to use our cell phones as we are mostly working from home for the foreseeable future. You may contact any of the staff with any needs that you have by using their cell phones. Starting to come into the office, is a way to begin moving to our new future. If you need to come into the church building during these times, please enter on the 10th Ave. side of the building. Make sure you wear a mask and please call ahead of time to let us know you are coming.
We are not able to make pastoral visits at this time. Pastors are not allowed into hospitals or care facilities and the trends are not at safe levels for home visits.
Some small groups have ventured out to meet occasionally outdoors with social distancing and mask protections. Most of our groups are meeting online through Zoom. If you are not part of a group, I would encourage you to get connected in some way.