Devotion, April 1, 2020
Read Luke 18.31-19.1
Jesus did a lot of walking. In the 18th chapter of Luke, Jesus is preparing for his final walk. Mark tells us that Jesus was in Bethsaida, near his home of Capernaum. He tells his disciples that they are going to walk to Jerusalem through Jericho. Along the way, Jesus encounters a variety of people, tells parables and continues to teach the disciples about his life, death and resurrection. Jesus takes note of the blind beggar near Jericho, the tax collector Zacchaeus up in a tree, people who had followed him who gathered on Palm Sunday at the Mount of Olives, the Sadducees, Pharisees and chief priests, and more. He notices his environment of the donkey needed on Palm Sunday, the fig tree and the widow’s offering. Jesus walked and noticed the world around him.
Since the gym has closed, I have been trying to walk outside everyday. It took me some time to adjust my routine to do this. Now my body, soul and spirit look forward to the time that I will get out for a walk. Sometimes I get a chance to talk on the phone. Sometimes I respond to text messages. Sometimes I walk in silence.
Today the sun was shining and I went out in the hope of finding spring. I wanted to find the signs of spring that I love. Were the lily of the valley flowers bursting from the ground? was the rhubarb starting to grow? Could I find any trilliums? I did not find any of those. What I did find were some crocuses and daffodils in bloom. I found deer willing to play hide and go seek with me in the woods. I saw the blue waters through the tree branches on the bluff. I saw spinach ready to be picked in our garden. It was enough to fill my soul.
What about you? Did you go out for a walk today? Maybe to the mailbox? Maybe around the block? Maybe to a favorite spot? Maybe just to get out of the house? I hope, wherever you went you noticed something about God’s creation that caused you to pause for a moment. And wherever you went, I hope that the time was good for your soul.
Dear God, thank you for the gifts of each day. Help us to see, not only signs of new beginnings that come each spring, but to see that which is there. May the wind we feel against our face and the sun that lights our path renew our souls and allow us to be connected to you and your creation. Amen.