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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

Green Congregations

I'm sure that you are aware of the dire climate change situation. Green Congregations believes that it is our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet and preserve it for our grandchildren. There is local action that could make a big impact, but only if we can influence local representatives. Racine has received two large grants for electric buses because Racine has an Action Plan and is proactive. Kenosha is not positioned presently to receive such grants. Kenosha Green Congregations needs to convince the city and county to develop a Green Action Plan, then we will be able to apply for these kinds of grants. Having more member churches equals more influence. There are no costs or demands placed on your congregation to become a Green Congregation. Our only request is that there be a contact person from your church that would receive information from us and share it as appropriate with your members. This contact person would be invited to our meetings and as many people as are interested would be welcome to become involved. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Kenosha Green Congregations is to engage faith communities and concerned individuals in addressing such issues as climate change, environmental pollution, recycling, energy conservation, and sustainability through information and action. MEMBERSHIP Individuals and faith communities may become members of Kenosha Green Congregations if they share our goals and are willing to receive and share information with their members and contacts. Though we would welcome their attendance and participation at our monthly meetings, it is not required. So much has been put on hold during the pandemic and the challenges that faith communities are facing just to continue are daunting. Pollution continues. We know that our time is running out to save our climate as we know it. We hope that you will present our request to your governing body and that you will join us in our efforts to start locally to save the planet. Marieta Huff Secretary, Kenosha Green congregations Member Immanuel United Methodist Church Please let Pastor Susan,, know if you are interested in serving in this ministry on behalf of First Church.

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