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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

Advent/Christmas Schedule

Writer's picture: First Church StaffFirst Church Staff

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas at First Church. Below is our list of events happening.


Sundays, December 3,10, 17 and 24

“Holy Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark”

Mark does not have a traditional Christmas story, but truly gives us an understanding about the incarnation; of God’s coming to be one of us. Mark offers us a holy perspective of God’s love for us make known in Jesus. Join us! Childcare available at 10:30a and upon request at 8a

Blue Christmas Service December 9 th 1PM in the Chapel.

You’re Invited to A Blue Christmas Service. Come and join with us in sharing and

hearing prayers, scripture and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is

for those who mourn, for those who struggle and that God’s Word comes to

shine light into our darkness. Everyone, regardless of church background is


Christmas Eve - December 24

All services include candle lighting

4p Children and Family Service

A shortened, participatory service of the Christmas story for all ages.

7:30p Communion Service

A service with a message and sacrament of holy communion

10:45p Traditional Lessons and Carols

A service featuring the traditional Christmas Eve readings with carols and music.

The Chancel Choir and Bond Handbell Choir leads the service with the traditional ‘ringing of the bells’ at the end of the service.

Sunday School - for all ages

9:15a. Our children, youth and adults will all be focused on the Christmas story through the eyes of Mark’s gospel.

Handel’s Sing-a-Long Messiah, Sunday, December 17, 6p

Join us in the sanctuary for an absolutely beautiful and breathtaking concert. You may simply be a guest or you may participate. You may bring your own musical score along or you may borrow one available that evening. Free will offering.



United Women in Faith Christmas Party - Thursday, December 7, 5:30p

Come join us for some fellowship, light dinner, games & prizes!!!

All Church Fellowship Potluck - Wednesday, December 13, 5:30p

Everyone, young and old, member or non-member, family and friends are invited to come for this great meal and fellowship. Bring a dish to pass - your choice. Plates, utensils and drinks are provided. Sign up, if you can, at the Welcome Desk in the Great Room. Thank you to Teresa Snuffer for organizing the potluck.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday , December 17

Did you know there is a National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day? This year it falls on December 15. We will celebrate on the Sunday of JOY, December 17. Wear your ugly Christmas sweater to worship and Sunday School. Vote for your favorites in multiple categories. Enjoy some extra special cookies after each worship service. Invite your friends to worship and be a part of the fun!


Giving Opportunities

Year-End Giving - Are you looking for ways to contribute with a year end gift? You may give to the church in two ways: an undesignated gift towards our on-going ministry or designated gift. Designated gifts may go to building projects, mission projects, or ministry projects. Talk to Pastor Susan about a specific way that you would like to give a gift to the church in honor of the Christ Child before year end or simple designate your check/envelope to the way in which you would like to make a gift to First United Methodist Church.

Adopt a Child - Giving Tree

We have received 70 names of children and youth from the ELCA Urban Outreach Center to purchase gifts for. In the Great Room is a Christmas tree with tags. Each tag has a name of a child and their wish list. Gifts are to total no more than $25 per child. They are not to be wrapped and they are to be returned by December 10.

Support a Day Care Family

The Day Care staff and board have adopted a family in need that attend our day care. If you are interested in purchasing an item on the list please contact Jane Frietag, Courtney Schutz or Pastor Susan. We can let you know what items are still needed. If you would like to financially contribute to the family, mark “day care” on your check or envelope and we will purchase something for you.

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