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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

UMW Celebrate Life Tea

Sunday, April 22, 2017

2:00-4:00 pm in Strom Hall Featured program: Bolivian Mission Trip

Please join us in gathering with friends, family and fellow Christians for fellowship. It is our opportunity to talk and laugh and make new friends. It is a time to enjoy refreshments with light finger foods, coffee, tea & punch. our celebration will include the program of our Pastor recent journey to the Holy Land.

TICKETS: $5.00 Proceeds are given to UMW missions. Please Contribute: Contact Your Circle Leader (by April 9) Finger food 1 Appetizer I food Desserts

PLEASE SPONSOR A TABLE: Contact Royanne Moon by April 17,262-484-4204 or

  • Choose a table theme

  • For example previous theme tables: Sports, Spring, Christmas, Mexico)

  • Provide setting: napkins, dishes (plastic, paper or china) silverware, cups, favors

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