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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

Steps to a More Compassionate Life

Writer's picture: First Church StaffFirst Church Staff

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Gregory Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries, writes:

A gang member I know tells me that 'the minute my feet touch the floor every morning,' he's on the lookout.  I ask what he's looking for.  'God, of course.' Of course.  We are not just searching for signs of the Divine or a sacramental rhyming with our Creator's creative impulses.  We want to align our hearts to the tender glance of God, and then, once our feet hit the floor, we choose to be that tender glance in the world.  We want to inhabit more fully the spacious and expansive compassion of God.  As a lifer at Folsom prison once said to me, 'Compassion IS God.'  We are on the lookout for not just THIS God but for ways to be THIS God in the world.

September 13-October 18 we will be looking at taking steps to a more grounded and compassionate life.  Each week in worship we will look at a different story in scripture and building block to compassion.  Each Wednesday evening, there will be a zoom book study coinciding with the worship theme.  The book study will discuss and practice steps to a more compassionate life found in Gregg Louis Taylor's book, Here. Now. With You.:  Six Movements of Compassion for Life and Leadership.

Weekly Topics

September 13  "Catching Sight"  Luke 6.30-36 September 20  "Getting Curious"  Matthew 3.16-17; 2 Corinthians 4.18 September 27  "Pain and Suffering"  Philippians 2.1-11 October 4  World Communion Sunday "Here.  Now.  With You."  John 20.21 October 11  "We Are Church"  John 14.6 October  18  "What's the Point?"  John 13.34-35

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