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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

Prayers for October 4

(World Communion Sunday)

adapted from

O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord,

not only of individuals, but of nations and governments the world over.

We thank you for the privilege of being able to organize ourselves politically, and of knowing that political loyalty does not have to mean disloyalty to you. This election year puts before us opportunities not just to exercise our solemn duty to vote, but also to influence countless others to vote. We pray today that all your people may be awakened. to realize that while politics is not their salvation, their response to you requires that they be politically active, as Jesus was.

Awaken your people to know that they are not called to be

a sect fleeing the world, but rather a community of faith renewing the world. Awaken them, that the eyes that read your Word are the same eyes that read the names on the ballot ...

that the hands lifted up to you in prayer are the same hands that mark the ballot ... and that they do not cease to be Christians when they enter a polling place.

In this month before Election Day,

keep us all focused on discerning your will and your ways,

that we will grow in our commitment to being faithful citizens

of your Kingdom on earth.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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